Life Coaching
All discovery sessions are complimentary and thirty-minutes in duration.

You are a professional person, who may be feeling energetically low, you may have difficulties saying ‘no’ to other people and/or you find yourself getting overwhelmed, disorganized, and angry because there is never much time for ‘you’. Life coaching will help you gain insight as how to come from an empowered place, to grow strength and confidence within. Learn how to say ‘YES’ to yourself and experience the positive impact this will have in ALL areas of your life.
Inner Goddess Group Coaching
4 sessions @ $110/group member
Discover what coaching and hypnotherapy can offer you through meeting with a group of women you connect with often such as a book club. Inner Goddess is a lovely opportunity to experience who you are at your highest and best, your life purpose, how your fears get in your way of love in life, and hypnotherapy to experience ‘your inner goddess room’. Groups can sign up for 2 - 2.5 hour in-person sessions (or) 4 - 1 hour zoom sessions per group. Group sizes 4 women/group

Combo Life-Coaching/Hypnotherapy
6 Session Package (over 2-3 months) @ $540
At times in our life, we struggle with something that comes up unexpectedly. No matter how much support we receive, via therapy, family and/or friends, we still are left feeling anxious, sad, fearful, etc.
I have experienced both as a client & practitioner the power of 6 sessions: a combination of life coaching and hypnotherapy. Both focus on your ways of thinking and being. Work with me to make positive changes in your life. Coaching and hypnotherapy provide gentle healing.