Mother Tree
Getting ROOTED
Monthly Highlights @patbarkercoaching
Volume 1, July 2023

"Mother Tree' - an elder tree that helps forests recover from events like fire or logging, by transmitting information through below-ground root and fungal networks."
Dr. Suzanne Simard, Author & Professor of Forestry Ecology UB
Life coaching • Hypnotherapy • EFT • Workshops • to growing love & trees in the world
"I liken healthy women and mother roots, to the thriving nature of trees in a forest. I actually believe it is that simple. Perhaps if we intentionally take beautiful emotional, spiritual, physical and mindful care, to be present to our needs first, as women & mothers ... we will thrive, our communities we are connected to will thrive and so will nature."
Pat Barker, Mother Tree coaching & hypnotherapy

New at Mother Tree
Welcome to Volume 1 July 2023. This month I have started offering Free Thursdays - hypnotherapy for children aged 12-17 for ADHD.
Free Thursdays 2023
As a life coach and hypnotherapist, I work a lot with women to reduce anxiety, have a different relationship with their emotions and also support them as to 'how' they view themselves.
As a Inclusion Teacher (Special Education) for over 25 years, and now with my training as coach and hypnotherapist, I would like to offer the same service for children.
If you are interested or would like to pass this onto a friend, here is how it works:
On Thursdays, I commit to 2 free hypnotherapy sessions for children ages 12 – 17 that have been diagnosed with ADHD.
When you book for a free session, I first meet with the parents to:
• Discuss on the phone what is going on for their child and what they would like to accomplish.
• Book a Thursday to meet.
• Meet with parent(s) and child. I will then share with children where memory resides and how our thoughts and too much worry can be unhelpful at times.
• Get permission and provide Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or somatic and solution focused hypnotherapy to release some of the worry physically and in our subconscious mind.
The August newsletter will feature content on the 'subconscious mind' and how to support it as a teacher, a person wanting to change a behaviour, how to find some free self-hypnosis material online, etc.

In providing hypnotherapy, we work with the subconscious mind. Basically, this part of our mind is responsible for up to 95% of our behaviours and decisions.
If you ever wonder, "Why did I do that again?" Well, we often operate, without mindful thought, from 'automatic' responses that are tucked away in our subconscious mind.
More to follow .... in August. ✨
Free Workshop August 2023
Understanding Energy: Grow It ... Flow It ... Protect It
Aug 15 (on-line) 2-3 PM CDT
Who is this Energy Workshop for?
This workshop is for anyone who:
• works in the 'helping profession',
• and/or a parent, caregiver,
• or a professional with a 'heavy workload',
• feels tired easily,
• needs more 'me' time, or is
• overwhelmed with all you need to accomplish; I encourage you to join us.
What will you walk away with?
This workshop will introduce you to where your energy systems (chakras) reside in our body and how you 'give away or store' your energy, leaving you feeling depleted and/or exhausted. You will be offered coaching as to how your thoughts and emotions have energy, and your relationship to them will determine if you store, block it or let the energy flow through you.
This is a FREE workshop.
If you wish to make a donation, I encourage you to make one to The Mothering Project.
This project supports and provides resources to women who are pregnant or who have given birth in the past 12 months and are involved with substances.

Mother Tree coaching & hypnotherapy is all about growing more love in this world. We believe that women are at the heart of healing themselves and when empowered can strongly connect with all parts of themselves. This 'inner knowing and connection' gift women with the ability, if they so choose, to take on transformational roles in families, communities and globally, much like the Mother Tree in a forest.
With Coaching, Hypnotherapy/EFT, women are supported, to find their strength within. Internal focus to gain more self-acceptance, confidence, self-respect, worth, energized, finding voice and less fear, anxiety and inner critic. Mother Tree is for men as well, who would like to experience a better relationship with themselves and others.
Get in Touch

Coaching or Hypnotherapy Curious?
Connect with me on a 30-minute call to share what you would like to experience, change, have more or less of in life.
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